IPitomy WIKI Now Released

IPitomy has updated our new WIKI to include the entire content of our manual, all of the tech bulletins and other technical documentation.  This puts all of the technical documentation in a single searchable database.  users will now only have to go to a single site to search for specific topics and get answers 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

The manual will now be constantly updated and improved to reflect more of the rapid changes that IPitomy adds to the system.  Also IPitomy will be happy to improve and enhance the content in the WIKI.  If you notice something that could use improvement, just open a ticket at ticket.ipitomy.com and we'll do what we can to improve the effectiveness of the available information.

Advantages of the WIKI

With the powerful search ability of the WIKI, you can search through volumes of information and find just what you need.  WIKI's are designed to be very search friendly.  It is far easier than having to download the manual and is far easier for IPitomy to update on the fly.

Check out the WIKI.