Sales Advice of the Month

IPitomy’s standard PBX feature set includes Call Groups – a powerful distribution technology that can help every business handle variances in call flow with optimum efficiency.

Have you ever wanted to get more with less? That’s what Call Groups can do for your communications application. Call Groups makes handling calls easy, and since IPitomy provides this powerful feature in the standard PBX feature set it is also very inexpensive to deploy.

Use Call Groups to:

• Add efficiency to a single person answering position

• Incorporate multiple people for callers entering the system

• Delineate Call Group people by prioritizing calls and people available

• Use the skills of the people available to accommodate caller requirements

• Deliver music on hold and pre-recorded message on-hold announcements

• Customize Caller ID information for the specific Call Group

Use one of the Call Group ring schemes to effectively deliver calls to those in the group most efficiently. You’ll also enjoy the capability of contingency plans where callers being handled by Call Groups can be rerouted to other people or a variety of destinations – including voice mail or Menu if no one can handle the call at that time.

People assigned in a Call Group can be given Priorities which are used to establish the conditions for which they will receive calls that enter the group. Rules for call delivery can be established to determine if multiple calls can ring at the same time or if they should be stacked before allowed to ring.

Call Groups can include extensions that are not on premise – utilizing the Remote Phone and Branch Office functions that can also be part of your IPitomy Communications’ IP voice business solution.

Call Groups are so useful that most business’ can benefit by implementing the feature. Either to assist one user in handling a heavy call volume or distributing calls using a preplanned strategy, Call Groups is often the answer business’ are seeking when they choose to better serve their customers.

IPitomy Communications delivers! Install and benefit from Call Groups – a powerful feature for today’s do-more-with-less business environment.